Electronics Sector Updates
Electronic Sector Prototype PCLA and SPI’s
Prototype Product Category Life Cycle Assessments (PCLCAs) and Sustainable Performance Indicators (SPI) are completed and ready for Sector vote. This is in preparation of an Independent Review Panel and review by TSC membership.
Electronic Sector Laptop CSP
The sector is in process of reviewing and validating the Mockup of the Laptop Category Sustainability Profiles (CSP). This will be reviewed by a sector sub-committee then by the sector as a whole. This is one of the Top 10 categories that TSC is developing in support of a document that supports a quick understanding of “hotspots” and “performance indicators” for retailers and buyers.
Moving Forward
The sector is now positioned to start the focus in the TV (LCD/PLASMA) and Mobile markets in support of SMRS Level 1 and Level 2 efforts.