How Should Companies Communicate Product Sustainability? Consumer Science Soon to Reveal Results from Ground Breaking Study
The Consumer Science Working Group in collaboration with Harrison Group, one of The Consortium’s industry partners, will be releasing the final quantitative report later this month for a study focused on communicating product sustainability. The primary objectives of the study, titled Communication Vehicles at the Point of Sale, are to understand how the design and delivery of sustainability messaging affects consumer’s intent to use the information while shopping. It also investigates how a product’s sustainability performance affects consumer’s brand perceptions and their intent to purchase a product. This report represents the culmination of 18 months of work that included the execution of 10 focus group sessions and administering three online surveys across three major international markets – the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. The main report, which provides a general overview, will be released in mid May and sector-specific reports will be subsequently provided to each of the five sectors within The Consortium.
Also, stay tuned for more information about upcoming webinars that will be hosted by The Sustainability Consortium and Harrison Group to walk our members through key findings from the study.
If you have any questions about the Communication Vehicles at the Point of Sale study or the Consumer Science Working Group in general, please contact the group’s manager T.C. Redd.
For more information about Harrison Group, please visit