TSC: Supplier Engagement Better Equips Business to Tackle Supply Chain Sustainability Issues
News from Sustainable Brands
Integrating sustainability measurement, tools and practices into supply chains allows businesses to create more sustainable consumer products and avoid risks to their bottom line says a new report from The Sustainability Consortium (TSC).
The organization’s 2017 Impact Report, The Call for Collective Action Across Supply Chains, revealed that not only has supplier engagement increased, but 40 percent of the 2,000 suppliers surveyed have taken action to improve their sustainability scores. These actions include creating internal data collection and communication systems, engaging suppliers, changing products or processes, or publicly communicating sustainability efforts.
The 2017 Impact Report also explores why almost 40 percent of suppliers often answer “We are unable to determine at this time” to many sustainability survey questions. According to TSC, while respondents may not currently have the data to answer, they want it to go on record that they plan to obtain the data in the future. To have more suppliers begin to fill out surveys, even with this answer, demonstrates that momentum is gaining for companies to begin transitioning to a more sustainable business model.