TSC’s THESIS Impact Team trains service providers to offer specialized assistance to consumer goods companies using THESIS to improve their sustainability performance. With more than 1,500 users on THESIS, demand is rising for the customized assistance TSC Trained Service Providers offer. During this webinar, meet our current TSC Trained Service Providers and learn more about the value they provide you. Learn more about TSC Service Provider Training at: https://www.impact.sustainabilityconsortium.org/what-we-offer/service-provider-training/
TSC Trained Service Providers:
- Marca Hagenstad, Circle Economics
- Ammi Borenstein, Snaplinc Consulting
- Greg Gasper, WMEP
- Lisa Becker, K•Coe Isom
- Zach Pinto, K•Coe Isom
Moderated by Emily Powell, The Sustainability Consortium