THESIS Scorecards provide a valuable collection of insights and data that you can leverage to build value through sustainable performance at your site and with your supply chain. You can also add value to your relationship with your customers. Explore with us how to turn data and insights into actionable information and goals based on what is important to your business. We’ll discuss how this can be done for small and medium-sized businesses as well as some large companies. During this discussion with Greg Gasper and Carol Crawford, TSC Trained Service Providers and practitioners of supply chain management and sustainability practices, we will share strategies that may turn data into action at your company. Your company has unique attributes and strengths – applying the right SMART goals and knowledge may elevate your THESIS scores and make a difference in your company’s performance.
If you have questions about THESIS goalsetting that you’d like answered during this webinar, email them to
Greg Gasper
Director, WMEP Manufacturing Solutions, TSC Trained Service Provider
Carol Crawford
Senior Consultant, WMEP Manufacturing Solutions, TSC Trained Service Provider
Series Times and Dates