You are invited to join Delhaize America, World Resources Institute (WRI) and The Sustainability Consortium to learn more about WRI’s Food Loss & Waste Protocol and the Consumer Goods Forum Food Waste Resolution. Delhaize will share retail strategies and outcomes of implementation from a retail perspective. TSC will share benchmark data from food waste KPIs and opportunities to reduce food waste in product supply chains. Includes presentation by: Delhaize America, World Resource Institute.
The Innovation Webinar series provide an opportunity for members to present various topics related to innovations they have developed that relate to TSC hotspots or work, while lending other members a front row experience to learn from one another. From textiles to renewable energy, you’ll hear the latest innovations at the TSC table.
Members: free of charge. A calendar invite was sent to all Members of TSC
to access the webinar. If you did not receive an invite and would like to join please contact Jessica Ginger.
Non-Members: $150 to access each Innovation Webinar within the series. Please be sure to both purchase and register for this event. Your registration will be approved once payment is processed.
For questions about this event please contact Carolyn Baltz.