Help companies collect supply chain data
We know from the data reported by consumer goods companies that many, especially small ones, need help answering TSC key performance indicators for surveys from retailers. In 2017, TSC began developing easy-to-use tools to help these companies collect supply chain data, reduce the cost to implement TSC KPIs, and strengthen the “market signal” in our theory of change. Through surveys and testing, we understood that any barriers to adoption of our system mean less progress on supply chain sustainability. We also know that many KPI responses scored low or were simply “We are unable to determine at this time”. We found that companies that are able to answer have needed to create their own methods for collecting data and calculating responses, meaning there is duplication of effort.
Help companies collect supply chain data
Reduce the cost to implement TSC KPIs
Strengthen the “market signal” in our theory of change
TSC launched these new tools for producers in August 2017 in advance of the largest current deployment of the Product Sustainability Toolkits, the Walmart Sustainability Index. These interactive guidance tools will help thousands of suppliers to better answer retailer questions, helping to create even bigger impact at scale.