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Sustainability Targets

Achieve Your Sustainability Targets: Packaging

From the reduction of packaging to the use of recycle friendly packaging and re-use of recycled content, join TSC member and board member, Henkel, as they share their lessons learned in the process of including packaging in their sustainability strategy within the framework of circular economy solutions.
Sustainability Targets

Achieve Your Sustainability Targets: Social Compliance

Join Newell Brands as they share why they have made social compliance a priority focus across their global supply chain. This session will cover best practices around creating a social compliance program that drives impact regardless of a company’s size.
Sustainability Targets

Achieve Your Sustainability Targets: Deforestation

Join Environmental Defense Fund and their partner Pecuaria Sustentavel da Amazonia (Pecsa), a for-profit cattle ranching management and partnership firm, to learn how to take a more holistic approach to tackle deforestation.
Sustainability Targets

Achieve Your Sustainability Targets: Chemicals

This webinar aims to help companies improve their sustainable chemicals management programs to boost performance and associated progress reporting (e.g., KPIs).
Corn Field

Sage Journals | Walmart’s Emergent Low-Cost Sustainable Product Strategy

Abstract This article traces the strategic initiatives…

GreenBiz | Walmart sustainability at 10: An assessment

Joel Makower GreenBiz November 17, 2015 It’s been 10 years…

GreenBiz | Walmart sustainability at 10: The birth of a notion

Joel Makower GreenBiz November 16, 2015 It’s been 10 years…

EDF+Business Blog: Climbing Towards Corporate Sustainability, Even Walmart Can’t Do It Alone

Elizabeth Sturcken EDF+Business Blog November 17, 2015 Ten…

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