The Electronics Recycling Landscape Report

The Electronics Recycling Landscape Report
Author(s):NCER, TSC
Date Published:May 2016
Projects:Electronics Takeback
Number of Downloads2092
Size11.9 MB
TSC Electronics Recycling Landscape Report - Full (PDF)Download 
TSC Electronics Recycling Landscape Report - Summary (PDF)Download 

The Sustainability Consortium and the National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER), commissioned by the Closed Loop Foundation have released a report on the current used electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) management landscape within the United States.

This report, which is based on a combination of research and stakeholder surveys, explores the types and quantities of materials that are currently moving and will be moving from the consumer market into the waste stream; programs in place to deal with e-scrap and their effectiveness; and key drivers and innovations that will affect effectiveness of electronics recycling moving forward.