Get Started With Key Performance Indicators
Our key performance indicators are the gateway to evaluating environmental and social impacts to create more sustainable products for a more sustainable planet.
The key performance indicator sets are designed to facilitate decision-making by retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers along the value chain, with an emphasis on impact and improving product sustainability. The key performance indicators are science-based and stakeholder-informed, including input by companies, academics, civil society organizations, and government agencies.
TSC offers a suite of tools and services to support organizations in their mission to develop, manufacture and sell more sustainable consumer products. THESIS license is available to TSC members and licensees. These products may be purchased at a very reasonable price individually or as a package.
IMPORTANT! This is not a license for THESIS on SupplyShift and cannot be used to share assessment results with retail customers. To activate your THESIS license on SupplyShift, click here to create or log into your company account.
TSC Supply Chain Diagrams are graphic representations of product life cycles that reveal key hotspots and improvement opportunities. The diagram highlights KPIs that can be used to track supplier performance and drive impact. Three product categories have been selected to demonstrate the application of the diagrams in a wide variety of sectors: chicken, laundry detergent, and household paper.
Access to THESIS content via the Member Portal and via a licensing arrangement with SupplyShift are benefits of TSC membership. Non-members can purchase a THESIS license for $699 USD. Want to first learn more about how THESIS can help you specifically?
Use TSC tools to enhance the services you provide
Designed to help suppliers answer sustainability surveys and improve scores